You started your cleaning business out of a passion for cleanliness and a desire to support your family. Now you’re wondering…

July 18, 2024

6 Ways to Diversify Your Cleaning Business

So, you’ve been making and selling candles for a while now, and you love it. Now you’re wondering, how can you take your business to the next level?

July 12, 2024

3 Ways to Diversify Your Candle Making Business

The entrepreneurial journey is a winding path filled with ups and downs, new skills learned, and businesses laid to rest. If I could offer…

July 12, 2024

Launch Your First Product: Embrace Imperfection

Cosmetic Products

If you’ve ever come across a brand designer, graphic designer or website designer on social media, you may have noticed just how much we love…

January 25, 2024

20 Free & Affordable Fonts for Your DIY Website

It’s believed that much of Proverbs was composed by King Solomon—an Israelite king blessed by God with “a wise and understanding heart.”

January 3, 2024

Five Proverbs for Christian Entrepreneurs

Having started a couple of businesses before actually becoming a web designer, I understand that challenges that come during the start up phase.

November 15, 2023

Five DIY Website Tips for Small Business Owners

Marie Enro website on MacBook

Dear Father, We thank you for a restful and joy-filled weekend. As we enter the new working week, we pray for guidance, protection and peace…

August 7, 2023

A Monday Morning Prayer for Guidance and Peace

Dear Father, We thank you for a blessed weekend, for the opportunity to slow down and for time spent with family. As we enter this new…

January 9, 2023

A Monday Morning Prayer for Strength and Clarity

Dear Father, We thank You for a blessed, relaxing, slow weekend. As we enter this new working week, we pray for strength, guidance, inspiration…

December 19, 2022

Monday Blessings: A Prayer for Strength and Inspiration

Dear Father, We thank you for a restful weekend and for small moments that we will always cherish. As we enter this new working week, we pray…

December 12, 2022

A Monday Prayer: Trusting in God’s Provision